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Topical Nail Care Solutions

Topical Nail Care Solutions
When it comes to treating onychomycosis, or nail fungus, topical nail care solutions are an affordable and easily accessible option. Because there are several brands that are available without a prescription, many people try these products in an attempt to avoid going to the doctor’s office.

The three most common over-the-counter antifungal solutions are [Read more…]

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Is a Nail Infection Hereditary?

Is Nail Fungus Hereditary?
If you have nails that are brittle, yellowing or thick, it is likely that you suffer from onychomycosis, or nail fungus. This condition affects millions of people of all ages, races and genders. If you have nail fungus, you are probably wondering what causes it and how to get rid of it. For many people, one of the most common questions is, “Is a nail infection hereditary?” In some cases, nail infections are hereditary while, in other cases, they are not. [Read more…]

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What Causes Fingernails and Toenails to Thicken?

Severe Nail Fungus InfectionExactly what causes fingernails and toenails to thicken? Thickening of the fingernails and toenails is a common problem, especially among adults and the elderly. The most common source of what causes nails to thicken is nail fungus. When left untreated, this can lead to some major health issues. [Read more…]

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Serious Health Risks for Diabetics with Nail Fungus

Nail fungus with diabetes is a dangerous health condition

Having nail fungus when your immune system is compromised with diabetes is dangerous to your health

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a very common complaint among diabetics. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked in favor of taking care of issues that are more urgent. In addition to being unattractive for diabetics with nail fungus  this can pose numerous other health concerns. When left untreated, it can lead to [Read more…]

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Top Nail Fungus Treatment

toenail fungus

The best treatment for nail fungus should be painless and not compromise the patients health in anyway

What are the top nail fungus treatment methods available? Before we can answer that question we need to understand what Nail Fungus is. Onychomycosis, more commonly referred to simply as Nail Fungus, is a very common ailment among adults and the elderly. It can occur as the result of exposure to fungus in warm, moist environments such as health club locker rooms, after having a pedicure with tools that have not been properly cleaned or as a normal part of the aging process. Fungal nail infections also commonly occur among people with weakened immune systems or as the result of wearing closed toe shoes that do not allow for adequate air flow. No matter what the cause, onychomycosis can be difficult to treat. By seeking out the top nail fungus treatment methods, however, you can guarantee yourself the greatest probability of eliminating [Read more…]

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Why Topical Solutions for Nail Fungus Do Not Work

nail fungus medicationIf you are suffering from nail fungus, you certainly are not alone. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 10% of the population gets fungal nail infections. In the geriatric population, they are even more common. Because they occur so frequently and affect so many people, many methods of treatment have been developed. Most people are disappointed because they first turn to topical solutions and topical solutions for nail fungus do not work. The truth is, topical solutions for nail fungus almost never work simply because [Read more…]

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Discount Nail Fungus Removal


Laser nail fungus removal is one of the most effective methods in treating nail fungus. Topical creams or oral medications, are only effective a small percentage of time, laser systems like the Q-Clear laser, have proven effective an astonishing 97% of the time.

Nail fungus is a common complaint that affects a large percentage of the adult population. The condition is unsightly and can lead to social and emotional problems due to embarrassment. When left untreated, it can also lead to pain or more serious infections. This is especially true among diabetics and individuals with poor circulation or weakened immune systems.

Laser nail fungus removal is one of the most effective methods in treating onychomycosis. While other treatments, like topical creams or oral medications, are only effective a small percentage of time, laser systems like the Q-Clear laser, have proven effective an astonishing 97% of the time. Because laser nail fungus removal is classed as a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered under most health insurance plans. If you have onychomycosis and are looking for discount nail fungus removal, there are a few things you should keep in mind. [Read more…]

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How to Cure Onychomycosis

In order to know how to cure onychomycosis, first we need to know what is onychomycosis? Onychomycosis, most often referred to as nail fungus, is a very common condition among adults and the elderly. It can affect either the fingernails or the toenails and [Read more…]

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Top Five Nail Fungus Remedies

Getting rid of a nail fungus infection usually is no easy task. Because the fungus usually is located beneath the nail, it can be very difficult to kill. There are several nail fungus remedies that are widely used. Each has its own benefits and, of course, its own level of success. Five of the top remedies for nail fungus include [Read more…]

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Health Risks Associated with Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis, more commonly referred to simply as nail fungus, is a common condition that affects a large number of adults. It is especially common among diabetics, individuals with suppressed immune systems and the elderly.

What is Onychomycosis?

Onychomycosis is a type of fungal infection that can affect the toenails or fingernails. [Read more…]

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