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Understanding Hair Growth Cycles as it Relates to Hair Loss

Men and women, whether they suffer from hair loss or not, have a certain number of hair follicles residing in their scalp. What some may not know, however, is that not all of these follicles are producing hair at the same time. Hair follicles go through stages that affect whether they are actively growing, resting, or dormant. Hair loss can be related to growth phases [Read more…]

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Laser Hair Regrowth

Why Hair Loss Happens

No one looks forward to losing their hair; it impacts our appearance and typically makes us look older. Yet in the United States today, there are over 100 million men and women, combined, who suffer from one form of hair loss or another. While there are a myriad of solutions aimed at restoring the appearance of one’s own hair (non-surgical), relocating hair (surgical), or re-growing hair (medications and lasers), it may be helpful to get to the root of the problem and understand why hair loss happens [Read more…]

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Cellulite Reduction
Anti-Aging Treatments
Hair Removal
Laser Hair Regrowth