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Information about Hair Regrowth Technology

Is it really possible? Do we now have the technology and science to provide hair regrowth? Lasers may provide the answer, and if so, they will follow in a long line of attempted methods that have met with only moderate success.

For centuries, men and women suffering from hair loss have looked for ways to combat their hair loss. History is filled with illustrations of our forefathers donning wigs as a representation of security and power. Modern times have brought a sophistication of non-surgical methods offering some highly undetectable options providing dramatic appearance-altering effects. None of which, however, provide the dream of actual hair regrowth.

Hair Regrowth Surgery – The forerunner to Science

As popular as some non-surgical hair replacement methods had become within the past couple of decades, these hair replacement options still fell short of fulfilling the ultimate result – to provide hair regrowth of one’s own hair. Though the earliest forms of hair regrowth surgery date back to the 19th century, the preoccupation with it really began in Japan in the 1930’s when scientists used surgical methods to restore eyebrows and eyelashes. The surgical treatment of hair loss, however, was ushered into modern science in the United States in the 1950’s on a largely experimental level. For 30 years, efforts were made to test and determine the most effective way to combat hair loss by transplanting living donor hair into areas where hair loss existed. In effect, this wasn’t truly a hair regrowth method, but rather a means of “relocation”.

The late 1980’s saw a dramatic improvement in surgical techniques of grafting hair and replacing these tiny clusters of one or more follicles into a balding area. Upon surgical recovery, the patient could see a form of hair regrowth, even though the “new” hair was really just existing hair used to camouflage the area of thinning.

Pharmaceutical Medications: The First to Attempt Genuine Hair Regrowth

Pharmaceutical medications, or drugs, use manufactured chemical substances to affect the structure or function of the hair follicles in an effort to stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Some hair loss medications work by causing hair follicles that have shrunk or shut down to enlarge and produce hair regrowth. The medications used for hair regrowth may be applied to the skin, taken by mouth, or injected. Pharmaceutical treatments include the use of both prescription and non-prescription drugs.

First tested in the 1970’s, the Upjohn Company introduced the product “Rogaine” using the drug Minoxidil as a means to attempt to slow down hair loss and produce hair regrowth. Though the drug was originally designed to treat high blood pressure, one of the side effects observed was that of hair regrowth. Upon receiving FDA-approval, the Upjohn Company launched a massive marketing campaign in 1989 promoting the merits of Rogaine. Indeed, this was the first time the general public were made aware of a non-surgical means to actually produce hair regrowth. The drug proceeded to produce massive sales based upon the concept that hair loss could in fact be slowed down, or even reversed. Though the drug is still sold today with over-the-counter availability that even includes a female targeted product, enthusiasm for genuine and legitimate hair regrowth is tempered by the reality that most patients experience very modest results, with new hair likely being of very light, fine variety.

Hair Regrowth Lasers the Latest Attempt by Science to Fulfill the Dream

The latest scientific breakthrough to promote hair regrowth comes in the form of laser technology. Lasers have long since become a consumer mainstream method for numerous medical and cosmetic enhancement procedures including vision correction, anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments, as well as permanent hair removal. Hair regrowth is the latest and perhaps most exciting development to incorporate a very specific type of laser application to stimulate cells in dormant or resting hair follicles.

Hair regrowth lasers typically fall into three primary categories, each with some degree of legitimate hair regrowth success. These include at-home products such as laser combs; non-medical grade lasers often found in medi-spas; and finally, medically and FDA-approved lasers operated only in medical facilities. The latter provides the most encouraging clinical results today and thus far only one device has achieved FDA-approval for hair regrowth purposes.

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