Though it is usually thought of as a simple cosmetic concern, nail fungus can be a mcuh bigger problem. In addition to the fact that, when left untreated, it can lead to discomfort, pain or even severe infections in other parts of the body, onychomycosis can lead to mental and emotional distress. This can be especially true in social situations like dating. [Read more…]
Dating With Nail Fungus
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Jublia, A New Fungal Nail Treatment
Right now there are over ten topical solutions on the market that have been FDA cleared for treatment for Onychomycosis , also known as fungal nail. Adding to this list of approved treatments is the topical solution Jublia, the prescription name for the drug Efinaconazole. The clear solution is sold in a small bottle, and it is applied to the skin with a small nail polish brush. [Read more…]
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Dealing With Nail Fungus
Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common affliction that can be very difficult to cure. Fungal infections start deep below the surface of a fingernail or toenail. The infection often starts off as a small white or yellowish spot, but in time, it can cause the entire nail to discolor, thicken and become brittle. Because the infection lies beneath the nail in an area that is difficult to reach, treatment is often a slow process. For those who are dealing with nail fungus, it can be difficult to enjoy normal activities. [Read more…]
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Why Does Fungi Cause My Nails to Discolor?
Onychomycosis, most commonly known as a fungal nail infection, is a condition that causes the nails to become thick, brittle and discolored. The condition affects countless individuals of all ages, but it is most common among the elderly and those with poor circulation. Countless people ask themselves, Why Does Fungi Cause My Nails to Discolor? [Read more…]
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Are Nail Fungus Lasers Safe?
Nail fungus is a very common problem among adults. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to treat. Because fungus grows beneath the nail, finding a way to effectively kill the infection is not easy. Topical creams often are not strong enough to penetrate the nail. Oral antifungal medications are widely used because they travel through the bloodstream directly to the site of the infection, but they can cause potentially life-threatening side effects when taken over an extended period of time. Recently, laser treatments such as the Q-Clear laser system have become a method of choice when it comes to treating onychomycosis. but the question arises, are nail fungus lasers safe? [Read more…]
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What is the Q-Clear Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus?
What is the Q-Clear Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is a very common and unsightly condition that affects millions of adults each year. It causes an infection beneath the nail that can be very difficult to treat. In time, fungus causes the nail to turn yellow, brown or gray and become brittle. Thickening, splitting and cracking may also occur. Left untreated, nail fungus can be painful and even lead to more serious infections. With revolutionary new treatment methods such as the Q-Clear laser, however, it is possible to cure fungal infections of the nails in a little as one session.
So what is the Q-Clear Laser treatment for nail fungus? The Q-Clear system is the first q-switched laser that has been approved by the FDA specifically for use in clearing fungal infections. It is revolutionary in terms of simplicity, size, price and, of course, effectiveness. In fact, it provides results that are on far better than which can be achieved using machinery that is considerably more expensive and less versatile. [Read more…]
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Top Nail Fungus Treatment

The best treatment for nail fungus should be painless and not compromise the patients health in anyway
What are the top nail fungus treatment methods available? Before we can answer that question we need to understand what Nail Fungus is. Onychomycosis, more commonly referred to simply as Nail Fungus, is a very common ailment among adults and the elderly. It can occur as the result of exposure to fungus in warm, moist environments such as health club locker rooms, after having a pedicure with tools that have not been properly cleaned or as a normal part of the aging process. Fungal nail infections also commonly occur among people with weakened immune systems or as the result of wearing closed toe shoes that do not allow for adequate air flow. No matter what the cause, onychomycosis can be difficult to treat. By seeking out the top nail fungus treatment methods, however, you can guarantee yourself the greatest probability of eliminating [Read more…]
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Choosing the Right Technology Critical for Hair Regrowth
Of the three forms of low level laser therapy for the purposes of hair regrowth – laser combs, cosmetic devices, and medical lasers – the medical device is the only FDA-approved laser that assures actual hair regrowth. [Read more…]
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Velashape in the News
Check out the video below on Velashape. The video show exactly what the treatment is and how it works. [Read more…]
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Top Five Nail Fungus Remedies
Getting rid of a nail fungus infection usually is no easy task. Because the fungus usually is located beneath the nail, it can be very difficult to kill. There are several nail fungus remedies that are widely used. Each has its own benefits and, of course, its own level of success. Five of the top remedies for nail fungus include [Read more…]